1、Zhou, Yuhao, Ruijie Wang, Yi-Cheng Zhang, An Zeng, and Matúš Medo. Improving PageRank using sports results modeling. Knowledge-based systems 241 (2022): 108168. 中科院1区Top. 第一作者.
2、Zhou, Yuhao, and Yanwei Wang. An integrated framework based on deep learning algorithm for optimizing thermochemical production in heavy oil reservoirs. Energy 253 (2022): 124140. 中科院1区Top. 第一作者.
3、Zhou, Yuhao, Ruijie Wang, An Zeng, and Yi-Cheng Zhang. Identifying prize-winning scientists by a competition-aware ranking. Journal of Informetrics 14, no. 3 (2020): 101038. 中科院2区Top. 第一作者.
4、Zhou, Yuhao, Ruijie Wang, and An Zeng. Predicting the impact and publication date of individual scientists’ future papers. Scientometrics 127, no. 4 (2022): 1867-1882. 中科院3区. 第一作者.
5、Wang, Yanwei, Huiqing Liu, Mingzhe Guo, Xudong Shen, Bailu Han, and Yuhao Zhou. Image recognition model based on deep learning for remaining oil recognition from visualization experiment. Fuel 291 (2021): 120216. 中科院1区Top. 通讯作者.
6、Wang, Yanwei, Huiqing Liu, and Yuhao Zhou. Development of a deep learning-based model for the entire production process of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD). Fuel 287 (2021): 119565. 中科院1区Top. 通讯作者.
7、Wang, Yan-Wei, Zhen-Xue Dai, Gui-Sheng Wang, Li Chen, Yu-Zhou Xia, and Yu-Hao Zhou. A hybrid physics-informed data-driven neural network for CO2 storage in depleted shale reservoirs. Petroleum Science (2023). 中科院2区. 通讯作者.
8、局部关注支持向量机算法. 2018. 《计算机应用》. 中文核心期刊. 第一作者.
9、基于循环神经网络的缝洞型油藏油井产量预测. 2018. 《计算物理》. 中文核心期刊. 第一作者.
10、Wang, Ruijie, Yuhao Zhou, and An Zeng. Evaluating scientists by citation and disruption of their representative works. Scientometrics 128, no. 3 (2023): 1689-1710. 中科院3区. 第二作者.