[1].Jianhang Liu; Kunlei Xue;Qinghai Miao;Shibao Li;Xuerong Cui;Danxin Wang;Kewen Li ; MCVCO: Multi-MEC Cooperative Vehicular Computation Offloading, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024,Volume: 9, Issue: 1 DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2023.3299381(SCI 一区)
[2].Jianhang Liu;Yuxiang Wang;Wenwen Gong;Hanwen Liu;Yanwei Xu;Huaizhen Kou; A Smart Data Driven Multi-Level Synchronous Digital Twin Model for Vehicle-Assisted Driving, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2024,DOI: 10.1109/TCE.2023.3341227(SCI 二区)
[3]. Jianhang Liu; Ning Liu; Lei Liu; Shibao Li; Hailong Zhu; Peiying Zhang ; A Proactive Stable Scheme for Vehicular Collaborative Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023 Volume:72, Issure 8,DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3255213(SCI 二区)
[4]. Jianhang Liu, Xu Meng, Shibao Li, Xuerong Cui, and Haibo Wu, An Adaptive Multipath Routing Method Based on Improved GA and Information Entropy. IEEE Sensors Journal 2022 Volume: 22, Issue: 22 DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3212275(SCI 二区)
[5]. Jianhang Liu, Haonan Weng, Yuming Ge, Shibao Li, Xuerong Cui and Yucheng Zhang. An Improved Self-Healing Routing for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks With Ant Colony Optimization. IEEE Internet of Things 2022 Volume: 9, Issue: 22 . DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2022.3181857(SCI 一区)
[6]. Liu Jianhang, Wang Jiebing, Ge Yuming, Li Shibao and Cui Xuerong. A Data Distribution Scheme for VANET based on Fountain Code Mobile. Journal of SuperComputing, 2022 78(15).(SCI 三区)
[7]. Jianhang Liu,Jingshuai Xu,Shibao Li,Xuerong Cui,Yucheng Zhang. A secure multi-path transmission algorithm based on fountain codes. Transactions on EmergingTelecommunications Technologies,2022 33(5).(SCI 四区)
[8]. 刘建航,武万萍,王树庆,李世宝,张玉成,“一种异构网络多协议并行数据分发方法”//电子信息学报, 2021,6(EI检索)
[9]. Jianhang Liu,Fan Bai,Yuming Ge, Shibao Li,Xuerong Cui,Yucheng Zhang,A Routing Algorithm Based on Real-Time Information Traffic in Sparse Environment for VANETs //Sensors 2020(12) (SCI三区)
[10]. Jianhang Liu,Tiantian Ma,Shibao Li,Xuerong Cui,Jing Yuan,HuZhu,Yucheng Zhang,A Reliable Non-Feedback Transmission Mechanism for Asymmetric Channels Based on Machine Learning ,Transactions on EmergingTelecommunications Technologies,October 2020 .(SCI 四区)
[11]. Shibao Li, Li Sun, Jianhang Liu, Haihua Chen,Tingpei Huang.Low-Complexity DOA Estimation Based on Constraint Solution Space 2020 111(11) (SCI 三区).
[12]. 刘建航 何怡静 李世宝 卢丽金 邓云强,“基于预译码的极化码最大似然连续消除译码算法”//电子信息学报, 2019,4(EI检索)
[13]. Shibao Li, Dayin Zhao, Wei Ye, Lin Guo, Jianhang Liu, Tingpei Huang. Service-Differentiation-Based Limited Feedback Scheme for Interference Alignment. IEEE Communications Letters , 10.1109/LCOMM.2019.2893356. 2019. (SCI 三区).
[14]. Jianhang Liu Shuqing Wang Shibao Li Xuerong Cui Yan Pan Zicheng Chi Ting Zhu; MCTS: Multi-Channel Transmission Simultaneously using Non-Feedback Fountain Code' //IEEE ACCESS, vol 6, 11, 2018 (SCI二区)
[15]. Shibao Li, Dayin Zhao, Yixin Wang, Wei Ye, Jianhang Liu, Tingpei Huang. Adaptive Strategy of General Centralized Feedback Model for Interference Alignment in Asymmetric Interference Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2883331, 2018. (SCI 二区).
[16]. 李世宝,贺昌,刘建航,王宜馨. 基于动态反馈与功率分配的干扰对齐方法.电子信息学报, 2018, 40(3):728-733. (EI)
[17]. Haihua Chen, Shibao Li, Jianhang Liu, Jialiang Hu, Hui Tian and Suzuki Masakiyo,“A Low-Complexity GA-WSF Algorithm for Narrow-Band DOA Estimation”,International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,2018(11). (SCI 四区)
[18]. Shibao Li, Yunqiang Deng, Lijin Lu, Jianhang Liu, Tingpei Huang. A Low-Latency Simplified Successive Cancellation Decoder for Polar Codes Based on Node Error Probability. IEEE Communications Letters , 2018, 22(12):2439-2442. (SCI 三区).
[19]. Shibao Li, Lijin Lu, Yunqiang Deng, Jianhang Liu, Tingpei Huang. A Reused-Public-Path Successive Cancellation List Decoding for Polar Codes With CRC. IEEE Communications Letters , 2017, 21(12):2566-2569. (SCI 三区).
[20]. Shibao Li, Chang He, Yang Zhang, Jianhang Liu, Tingpei Huang. A Novel Joint Power and Feedback Bit Allocation Interference Alignment Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors , 2017, 17(3):563. (SCI 三区).
[21]. Shibao Li, Ya He, Jianhang Liu, Haihua Chen. Congestion control strategy on complex network with privilege traffic. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2017:1750117. (SCI四区)
[22]. 刘建航;毕经平;葛雨明;李世宝;陈海华;李忠诚等,“一种基于协助下载方法的车联网选车策略”// 计算机学报, 2016 39(5):919-930. (CCF-A类期刊 EI检索)
[23]. Jianhang Liu; Haibin Zhai; Zhixuan Jia; Shibao Li; Haihua Chen; Xuerong Cui 'A balanced cooperative downloading method for VANET' //2016 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT) September 2016 Qingdao China Pages: 435 - 438(EI检索)
[24]. Liu, Jianhang; Zhang, Wenbin; Wang, Qi; Li, Shibao; Chen, Haihua; Cui, Xuerong; Sun, Yi 'A cooperative downloading method for VANET using distributed fountain code' //Sensors (Switzerland), vol 16, n 10, October 12, 2016 (SCI 三区)
[25]. Shibao Li, Zongxing Sun, Jianhang Liu, Haihua Chen. Optimized routing strategy for complex network with multiple priorities. Chnese Physics B, 2016, 25(8): 088902. (SCI 四区)
[26]. Shi-Bao Li;Zong-Xing Sun;Jian-Hang Liu;Hai-Hua Chen; Optimized routing strategy for complex network with multiple priorities// Chinese Physics B August 2016 Volume 24, Issue 5(SCI检索)
[27]. Haihua Chen, Shibao Li, Jianhang Liu, Yiqing Zhou, Masakiyo Suzuki. Efficient AM Algorithms for Stochastic ML Estimation of DOA. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2016. (SCI 四区)
[28]. Haihua Chen, Shibao Li, Jianhang Liu, Fen Liu, Masakiyo Suzuki. A Novel Modification of PSO Algorithm for SML Estimation of DOA. Sensors, 2016, 16(12): 2188. (SCI 四区)
[29]. Cui, Xuerong; Li, Juan; Wu, Chunlei; Liu, Jian-Hang 'A timing estimation method based-on skewness analysis in vehicular wireless networks//Sensors (Switzerland), v 15, n 11, p 28942-28959, November 13, 2015(SCI三区)
[30]. Zhu, Xiaojin ; Bi, Jingping; Liu, Jianhang 'MPVUS: A moving prediction based video streaming uploading scheme over vehicular networks' // IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, v E98A, n 1, p 304-312, January 1, 2015(SCI三区)
[31]. Gong, Faming; Chen, Haihua; Li, Shibao; Liu, Jianhang; Gu, Zhaozhi; Suzuki, Masakiyo A Low Computational Complexity SML Estimation Algorithm of DOA for Wireless Sensor Networks//International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, v 2015 (SCI四区)
[32]. Jianhang Liu, Shibao Li,Ruo Shu, Shuyan Ding,A Transmission Scheduling Method of Cooperative Downloading for Vehicular Networking//Proceedings of IEEE ISCIT,Incheon,Korea,September 2014 (EI检索)
[33]. Jianhang Liu, Jingping Bi, Yuming Ge, Xuerong Cui, Shuyan Ding and Zhongcheng Li. A Compensation Model of Cooperative Downloading for Vehicular Network.// Transactions on EmergingTelecommunications Technologies August 2013 Volume 24, Issue 5 Pages : 532–543 (SCI 检索(IF 1.049): 196KG/000322773000008)
[34]. Jianhang Liu , Yuming Ge, Jingping Bi, Lei Guo “Dynamic Optimization Model for Cooperative Downloading Strategy ”. // Journal of Internet Technology No.6 2013 volume14 (SCIE 检索 IF 0.504:264WR/000327912200011)
[35]. Jianhang Liu, Jingping Bi, Yongchao Bian, Xinyu Liu, Zongcheng Li . DSRelay: A Scheme of Cooperative Downloading based on Dynamic Slot. // Proceedings of IEEE ICC , Ottawa, Canada, 2012.6 (国际通信旗舰会 EI/ISPT检索 ISPT: BDD72/000312855700072 EI:20130215893598)
[36]. Jianhang Liu, Jingping Bi , Yuming Ge, Lei Guo “Cooperative Downloading Strategy on Highway Scenario” //IEEE CIT, CRN workshop, Chengdu, China, 2012.10 (EI检索 :20130415917785)
[37]. 刘建航,毕经平,徐鹏,李忠诚等,“一种提高系统吞吐量的协助下载补偿模型”// 计算机学报, 2012 35(7):1390-1398. (CCF-A类期刊 EI检索:20123615396360)
[38]. 刘建航,孙江明,毕经平,李忠诚等, “基于动态时槽的车联网协助下载方法研究”// 计算机学报, 2011 34(8):1378-1386 (CCF-A类期刊 EI检索:20113714332522)
[39]. 高峰,毕经平,郭景峰,刘建航. 汽车状态感知系统的Android客户端[J].// 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 51(S1) : 1393-1396